Thursday, May 30, 2013


She was hanging out on my desktop for awhile, figured I should do something with it. I sketched out a background for her, so i'll be adding that next. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Some past week sketches

Hey everyone! I hope all is well! Here are some sketches I did in the past few weeks, while I was out and about. 
A little pen sketch of my puppy, Pudding, but sadly I had to give her away because of some household differences. It was a great taking care of her though, while it lasted! I'll miss you Pudding!
Ink and digital

Small muscle study while I was at work and a sketch of my cousin Albert, while we were hanging out at a cafe over the weekend.

While Pudding was playing in the front yard, I sketched random things in the front yard and neighborhood

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Visual Development WIPs

I figured I would post these up since i'm starting to wrap them up within the week. I'll post the whole project in a couple of weeks :P Enjoy!

Castle Interior 


Character Design- Dragon

Prop- Chalice

Prop- Sword